Bull Rider!

- at 7PM with fireworks.
at 2PM. (Gates open 2 hours prior to each rodeo)

2025 - Celebrating 36 years!

Bareback Bronc Riding

  • Bareback bronc riding at the Ellicottville Rodeo in July 2018!
  • Bareback bronc riding at the Ellicottville Rodeo in July 2018!
  • Bareback bronc riding at the Ellicottville Rodeo in July 2018!
  • Bareback bronc riding at the Ellicottville Rodeo!
  • Bareback bronc riding at the Ellicottville Rodeo!
  • Bareback bronc riding at the Ellicottville Rodeo!
  • Bareback bronc riding at the Ellicottville Rodeo!
  • Bareback bronc riding at the Ellicottville Rodeo!

The rider holds onto the leather handle of a rigging, which is a wide belt that fits around the horse’s mid-section just behind the shoulders. The cowboy must “mark the animal out” by positioning his heels over the horse’s shoulders on the first jump out of the chute. Each time the horse kicks, the cowboy brings his knees toward his body, keeping his heels against the horse and his toes turned out (an action called “spurring”), and then stretches his legs out again. Higher scores reflect frequent “spurring” because of the degree of difficulty.

Buy Tickets: Good Any One Day

Tickets are available at the rodeo.
