Bull Rider!

- at 7PM with fireworks.
at 2PM. (Gates open 2 hours prior to each rodeo)

2025 - Celebrating 36 years!

Calf Roping

Calf Roping at the Ellicottville Rodeo!
Calf Roping at the Ellicottville Rodeo! Photo by Daniel Clune.

Calf roping is an authentic ranch skill that originated with working cowboys. Once the calf has been roped, the cowboy dismounts and runs down the length of the rope to the calf. When the calf is on the ground, the cowboy ties three legs together with a six-foot pigging string. Calves must be given a head start, and if the cowboy’s horse leaves the box too soon and breaks the barrier, a 10-second penalty is added to the roper’s time. In calf roping, a tenth of a second can often make the difference between winning and losing.

Buy Tickets: Good Any One Day

Tickets are available at the rodeo.
