Bull Rider!

- at 7PM with fireworks.
at 2PM. (Gates open 2 hours prior to each rodeo)

2025 - Celebrating 36 years!

Saddle Bronc Riding

  • Saddle bronc riding at the Ellicottville Rodeo!
  • Saddle bronc riding at the Ellicottville Rodeo!
  • Saddle bronc riding at the Ellicottville Rodeo!
  • Saddle bronc riding at the Ellicottville Rodeo!

Known as rodeo’s classic event or original contest, saddle bronc riding can be easily identified by the “rocking chair motion” of the rider. A bronc rider holds onto a thickly braided buck rein, which is attached to the halter on the horse’s head. On the first jump out of the chute, the rider must “mark the animal out” by keeping his heels in the well of the horse’s neck, which makes it tougher for the rider and easier for the horse. If he fails to do it, he’s disqualified. Saddle bronc horses are usually bigger and stouter than those in bareback riding.

Saddle bronc riding at the Ellicottville Rodeo!
Buy Tickets: Good Any One Day

Tickets are available at the rodeo.
