Bull Rider!

- at 7PM with fireworks.
at 2PM. (Gates open 2 hours prior to each rodeo)

2025 - Celebrating 36 years!

  • Tammy and the USA flag on horseback at the rodeo
  • Clown at the rodeo by Ted Martin
  • trick rider at the rodeo by Ted Martin
  • saddle bronc riding at the rodeo
  • Junior bull riding at the rodeo

Welcome to the Ellicottville Championship Rodeo, one of the largest IPRA/APRA sanctioned rodeos in the Northeast. Located in the beautiful Enchanted Mountains that surround Ellicottville, NY ... where the road ends and the west begins.

The Ellicottville Championship Rodeo would like to invite you to come out and enjoy the family tradition with a step back in time to wild and western non-stop action.

Tickets are available at the rodeo.

2025 Rodeo Dates

- at 7PM with fireworks.
at 2PM. (Gates open 2 hours prior to each rodeo)

This Fourth of July weekend will bring in to town 350+ rodeo athletes for a show to see of man versus beast for great family entertainment.

Please note that gates open 2 hours prior to each rodeo.

Rodeo Events

The Ellicottville Championship Rodeo has a jam packed show for you to see with NINE exciting rodeo events, along with Hardway Buckout Junior Bull Riding, contract acts and clowns.

Kids' Stick Horse Rodeo

The Ellicottville Championship Rodeo also invites our new generation to take part in the action at the rodeo. Get your stick horses ready for the kids stick horse race! Registration will take place before the rodeo. Make sure you come out and support your favorite cowboy or cowgirl!!!

Food and Vendors

Since our gates are open two hours in advance, come hungry as we have a variety of delicious food and enjoy our rodeo midway with a plethora of vendors.

Thank you

The Ellicottville Championship Rodeo would like to thank our sponsors who help support this wonderful community event. We would also like to thank all of our rodeo fans for your support year after year!!!

Thank you, Ellicottville Championship Rodeo

Trick rider at the Ellicottville Rodeo! Photo by Daniel Clune.
Buy Tickets: Good Any One Day

Tickets are available at the rodeo.
